Bluetooth Speaker/Casset Player

Looking at the star gram, I saw a cassette player that stimulated nostalgia.Plus, transparency stimulates the desire to buy!! The cassette tape inside becomes Bluetooth.

Even ordinary cassette tapes work..

If you look at the homepage, you can connect the cassette tape to Bluetooth

It works with four AA batteries!

In this way, charging and power supply are provided by C type… the cassette tape becomes Bluetooth.

I like the concept because it’s transparent.

You can listen to music through Bluetooth even if you put it in a cassette player like this.

It becomes a normal cassette tape. It’s all good, but 1,180 in Hong Kong dollars

It’s retro and pretty.

Design Studio | NINM LabShop I’M Fine Single Use Camera, Instant Magny 35, and a cassette player that’s OK here. NINM Lab is passionate about photography, music, coffee and a wealth of products with the philosophy “if you’re romantic enough.”

Design Studio | NINM LabShop I’M Fine Single Use Camera, Instant Magny 35, and a cassette player that’s OK here. NINM Lab is passionate about photography, music, coffee and a wealth of products with the philosophy “if you’re romantic enough.”

Design Studio | NINM LabShop I’M Fine Single Use Camera, Instant Magny 35, and a cassette player that’s OK here. NINM Lab is passionate about photography, music, coffee and a wealth of products with the philosophy “if you’re romantic enough.”


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